Our Experience

Our Experience

Product Management Experience

We have 17 years of intense and strong experience in Software Product Management. The portfolio includes SaaS products, Enterprise products, and Mobile Apps.

Having handled 33 software products; 12 from idea to full life cycle and rest 21 were reinvigorated. Experience spreads across 18 domains and helped many startups to gain sizeable funding and huge customer base. It includes bring up one Invoicing and Payment solution startup in profits in the very first year.

Our overall Product Management competencies include ( but not limited to)

Capturing and Collaborating all the Product Inputs
Efficiently organizing and analyzing inputs from all possible data sources—customer’s requests—prospect’s feedbacks—salient inputs from market research—competitive offerings­—from social networking pages—internal team suggestions (sales, engineering, support and professional services)—other data sources as appropriate.
Market Research and Analysis
Regular updates on industry/market trends and competitors; researching key identified gap areas—effectively using Industry Analyst (Gartner, Forrester, Aberdeen) research’s/findings, user experiences and industry forecasts—monitoring trends/patterns on Google Analytics—collaborating all the market inputs.
Product Roadmap, Specifications, and Product Backlogs
Careful evaluation of all the inputs with weighted analysis in-accordance with management strategic directives. Evolve innovative and easy-to-use ideas to solve market problems—proposing evaluated ideas to Product Management Board—further researching on selected ideas and creating a feasibility document (MRD)—effectively translating MRD requirements into PRD/FS/ User Stories/Epics and thereby managing quality Product Backlog—prioritization of sprints.
Overseeing Product Development
Working closely with engineering/UX/UI/QA teams during entire design and development—elaborating requirements, clarifying use cases and milestones—also helps engineers with programming logic—conducting acceptance test.
Managing Customer Relationships
Managed, lasting customers’ relationships in diverse geographies (North America, Europe, South Africa, and Asia).
Product Packaging and Sales Enablement
Developing contents for collaterals/case studies/white papers/website—developing competitive landscape—creating release notes—regularly conducting techno-functional demo for Prospects/Pre-sales/BD. Analyzing and deciding on Product Editions and Pricing (Enterprise and S-a-a-S).
Effective product demonstration skills—working successfully with cross-functional teams without formal authority.